Pleasant Hill Baptist Church
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Welcome to our family!



Pastor - Dr. Michael Weeks

Brother Mike came as pastor of PHBC in May of 1994.  He is a graduate of Hinds Community College, Mississippi College, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Southern School for Biblical Studies.  He has been a conference leader for the Mississippi Baptist Convention and has written many articles for The Baptist Record.  He and his wife, Brenda, have two married children and two granddaughters.


Music Director - Brenda Weeks

Brenda has led the music program of PHBC for many years.  She is a dynamic soloist who leads the music program for worship, youth and children.


Youth Director - John Denton

John has a been an active member of PHBC for over ten years. John became a deacon in 2016 and took on the role of Youth Director in July of 2019. His love and enthusiasm for the Lord guides his leadership and focus for Pleasant Hill youth.